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- /*
- ** $VER: rtgsublibs.h 1.009 (15 Jan 1998)
- */
- MODULE 'utility/tagitem'
- 'exec/nodes'
- // The TagItem ID's (ti_Tag values) for OpenRtgScreen()
- // Information like width, height, screenmode to use, depth and overscan
- // information is located in the ScreenReq structure which must be passed
- // to OpenRtgScreen(). The RtgScreenModeReq() function creates these
- // ScreenReq structures for you.
- #define rtg_Dummy TAG_USER
- #define rtg_Buffers (rtg_Dummy + $01)
- // [1] You can use this tag to specify the number
- // of screen buffers for your screen. Setting this
- // to 2 or 3 will allow you to do Double or Triple
- // buffering. Valid values are 1, 2 or 3.
- #define rtg_Interleaved (rtg_Dummy + $02)
- // [FALSE] Specifying TRUE will cause bitmaps to
- // be allocated interleaved. OpenRtgScreen will
- // fail if bitplanes cannot be allocated that way
- // unlike Intuition/OpenScreenTagList().
- #define rtg_Draggable (rtg_Dummy + $03)
- // [TRUE] Specifying FALSE will make the screen
- // non-draggable. Do not use without good reason!
- #define rtg_Exclusive (rtg_Dummy + $04)
- // [FALSE] Allows screens which won't share the
- // display with other screens. Use sparingly!
- // #define rtg_ChunkySupport (rtg_Dummy + 0x05)
- //
- // [0] This LONG is used to indicate which
- // Chunky modes this application supports. A
- // set bit means the mode is supported:
- // ; ;
- // ; ; | Pixels | Pixel|Color| Pixel
- // ; ; Bit|represent| size |space| layout
- // ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ; ; 0 TrueColor LONG RGB %00000000 rrrrrrrr gggggggg bbbbbbbb ARGB32
- // ; ; 1 TrueColor 3 BYTE RGB %rrrrrrrr gggggggg bbbbbbbb RGB24
- // ; ; 2 TrueColor WORD RGB %rrrrrggg gggbbbbb RGB16
- // ; ; 3 TrueColor WORD RGB %0rrrrrgg gggbbbbb RGB15
- // ; ; 4 TrueColor LONG BGR %00000000 bbbbbbbb gggggggg rrrrrrrr ABGR32
- // ; ; 5 TrueColor 3 BYTE BGR %bbbbbbbb gggggggg rrrrrrrr BGR24
- // ; ; 6 TrueColor WORD BGR %bbbbbggg gggrrrrr BGR16
- // ; ; 7 TrueColor WORD BGR %0bbbbbgg gggrrrrr BGR15
- // ; ; 8 TrueColor LONG RGB %rrrrrrrr gggggggg bbbbbbbb 00000000 RGBA32
- // ; ; 9 ColorMap BYTE - - LUT8
- // ; ; 10 Graffiti BYTE - - (Graffiti style chunky, very special)
- // ; ; 11 TrueColor WORD RGB %gggbbbbb 0rrrrrgg RGB15PC
- // ; ; 12 TrueColor WORD BGR %gggrrrrr 0bbbbbgg BGR15PC
- // ; ; 13 TrueColor WORD RGB %gggbbbbb rrrrrggg RGB16PC
- // ; ; 14 TrueColor WORD BGR %gggrrrrr bbbbbggg BGR16PC
- // ; ; 15 TrueColor LONG BGR %bbbbbbbb gggggggg rrrrrrrr 00000000 BGRA32
- //;
- // ; This table is by no means complete. There are probably more modes
- // ; available on common Amiga graphic cards, but I have no information
- // ; on them yet. If you know about such modes please contact me.
- //
- // ; Setting this LONG to zero means your application doesn't support
- // ; any Chunky orientated display modes.
- //
- // #define rtg_PlanarSupport (rtg_Dummy + 0x06)
- // ;[0] This LONG is used to indicate which
- // ;Planar modes this application supports. A
- // ;set bit means the mode is supported:
- // ; Bit 0: Indicates it supports 1 bitplane non-interleaved
- // ; Bit 1: Indicates it supports 2 bitplanes non-interleaved
- // ; (...)
- // ; Bit 7: Indicates it supports 8 bitplanes non-interleaved
- //
- // ; Bit 16: Indicates it supports 1 bitplane interleaved
- // ; Bit 17: Indicates it supports 2 bitplanes interleaved
- // ; (...)
- // ; Bit 23: Indicates it supports 8 bitplanes interleaved
- //
- // ; Bit 15: Indicates it supports EHB mode (6 bitplanes) non-interleaved
- // ; Bit 31: Indicates it supports EHB mode (6 bitplanes) interleaved
- //
- // ; Note that all planar modes are color-mapped. Bits 8-14 and 24-30
- // ; are unused for now, but could be used later to support planar modes
- // ; with even higher number of bitplanes.
- //
- // ; Setting this LONG to zero means your application doesn't support
- // ; any Planar orientated display modes.
- #define ARGB32 1
- #define RGB24 2
- #define RGB16 4
- #define RGB15 8
- #define ABGR32 16
- #define BGR24 32
- #define BGR16 64
- #define BGR15 128
- #define RGBA32 256
- #define LUT8 512
- #define GRAFFITI 1024
- #define RGB15PC 2048
- #define BGR15PC 4096
- #define RGB16PC 8192
- #define BGR16PC 16384
- #define BGRA32 32768
- #define Planar1 1
- #define Planar2 2
- #define Planar3 4
- #define Planar4 8
- #define Planar5 16
- #define Planar6 32
- #define Planar7 64
- #define Planar8 128
- #define Planar1I 1<<16
- #define Planar2I 1<<17
- #define Planar3I 1<<18
- #define Planar4I 1<<19
- #define Planar5I 1<<20
- #define Planar6I 1<<21
- #define Planar7I 1<<22
- #define Planar8I 1<<23
- #define PlanarEHB 1<<15
- #define PlanarEHBI 1<<31
- #define rtg_ZBuffer (rtg_Dummy + $07)
- // Allocate a Z-Buffer. Only works with sublibraries that implement the rtgmaster 3D Extensions.
- #define rtg_Use3D (rtg_Dummy + $08)
- // Use the 3D Chips. (You can only do conventional Double/Triple-Buffering, if you do NOT use
- // them. If you use them, the Extra Buffers are used by the 3D Chips)
- #define rtg_Workbench (rtg_Dummy + $09)
- // Open a Window on the Workbench, instead of a Screen. This Tag takes the Colorformat
- // to use with CopyRtgBlit() as Parameter
- // End of OpenRtgScreenTagList() enumeration ***
- // This structure is private and for the internal use of RtgMaster.library
- // and its sub-libraries ONLY. This structure will change in the future.
- #define rtg_MouseMove (rtg_Dummy+ $0A)
- // RtgGetMsg also returns IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE messages
- #define rtg_DeltaMove (rtg_Dummy+ $0B)
- // RtgGetMsg also returns IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE messages, and it returns Delta-Values,
- // not absolute values.
- #define rtg_PubScreenName (rtg_Dummy+ $0C)
- // Open a Window on a Public Screen with the provided Public Screen Name.
- // Note: This does not work with all Sublibraries. Some simply ignore this
- // (For example EGS...)
- OBJECT RtgDimensionInfo
- Width:ULONG,
- Height:ULONG
- // This structure is private and for the internal use of RtgMaster.library
- // and its sub-libraries ONLY. This structure will change in the future.
- OBJECT ScreenMode
- ScrNode:MinNode, // ln_Succ and ln_Pred from ListNode structure
- Description:PTR TO UBYTE, // Description of the graphics board this mode
- GraphicsBoard:ULONG, // The graphics board this mode requires
- ModeID:ULONG, // ModeID (depends on sm_GraphicsBoard)
- Reserved[8]:BYTE, // 8 bytes reserved space for use of the sub-library
- MinWidth:ULONG, // minimum width in pixels
- MaxWidth:ULONG, // maximum width in pixels
- MinHeight:ULONG, // Minimum height in pixels
- MaxHeight:ULONG, // Maximum height in pixels
- Default:RtgDimensionInfo, // Standard width and height of this ScreenMode
- TextOverscan:RtgDimensionInfo, // Settable via preferences
- StandardOverscan:RtgDimensionInfo, // Settable via preferences
- MaxOverscan:RtgDimensionInfo, // Maximum width and height (without the
- ChunkySupport:ULONG, // This LONG is used to indicate which Chunky
- PlanarSupport:ULONG, // This LONG is used to indicate which Planar
- PixelAspect:ULONG, // For a PAL 320x256 screen you have to write
- VertScan:ULONG, // Vertical scan rate of this screenmode
- HorScan:ULONG, // Horizontal scan rate of this screenmode
- PixelClock:ULONG, // Pixelclock rate (in Hz)
- VertBlank:ULONG, // Vertical blank rate of this screenmode
- Buffers:ULONG, // The number of buffers this ScreenMode can
- BitsRed:UWORD, // The number of bits per gun for Red
- BitsGreen:UWORD, // The number of bits per gun for Green
- BitsBlue:UWORD // The number of bits per gun for Blue
- // The TagItem ID's (ti_Tag values) for GetRtgScreenData()
- // These tags are used to return data to the user about the RtgScreen
- // structure in a future compatible way.
- #define grd_Dummy TAG_USER
- #define grd_Width (grd_Dummy + $01)
- // Gets you the Width in pixels of the screen
- #define grd_Height (grd_Dummy + $02)
- // Gets you the Height in pixels of the screen
- #define grd_PixelLayout (grd_Dummy + $03)
- // Gets you the pixellayout of the screen, see
- // defines below. This also tells you whether
- // the screen is Chunky or Planar
- #define grd_ColorSpace (grd_Dummy + $04)
- // Gets you the colorspace of the screen, see
- // defines below
- #define grd_Depth (grd_Dummy + $05)
- // The number of colors LOG 2. For Planar modes
- // this also tells you the number of bitplanes.
- // Don't rely on this number except to get the
- // number of colors for Chunky modes.
- #define grd_PlaneSize (grd_Dummy + $06)
- // Tells you the number of bytes to skip to get
- // to the next (bit)plane. You can use this to
- // find the start addresses of the other (bit)planes
- // in Planar and in (BytePlane) Chunky modes
- #define grd_BytesPerRow (grd_Dummy + $07)
- // The number of bytes taken up by a row. This
- // refers to one (bit/byte)plane only for modes
- // working with planes.
- #define grd_MouseX (grd_Dummy + $08)
- // Finds out the Mouse X position
- #define grd_MouseY (grd_Dummy + $09)
- // Finds out the Mouse Y position
- // The TagItem ID's (ti_Tag values) for GetGfxCardData()
- // These tags are used to return data to the user about the graphics card
- // which the RtgScreen uses.
- #define grd_BusSystem (grd_Dummy + $0A)
- #define grd_3DChipset (grd_Dummy + $0B)
- // For usage with the rtgmaster 3D Extensions, will be ignored from sublibraries
- // that do not support the 3D Extensions.
- #define grd_Z3 1 // Zorro III Bus
- #define grd_Z2 2 // Zorro II Bus
- #define grd_Custom 3 // Custom Chipset
- #define grd_RGBPort 4 // Board connected to RGB Port
- #define grd_GVP 5 // GVP "special" Bus of GVP Turbo Board (EGS110 GFX Board)
- #define grd_DDirect 6 // DraCo Direct Bus
- // defines for grd_PixelLayout
- #define grd_PLANAR 0 // Non interleaved planar layout [X bitplanes/pixel]
- #define grd_PLANATI 1 // Interleaved planar layout [X bitplanes/pixel]
- #define grd_CHUNKY 2 // 8-bit Chunky layout [BYTE/pixel]
- #define grd_HICOL15 3 // 15-bit Chunky layout [WORD/pixel]
- #define grd_HICOL16 4 // 16-bit Chunky layout [WORD/pixel]
- #define grd_TRUECOL24 5 // 24-bit Chunky layout [3 BYTES/pixel]
- #define grd_TRUECOL24P 6 // 24-bit Chunky layout [3 BYTEPLANES/pixel]
- #define grd_TRUECOL32 7 // 24-bit Chunky layout [LONG/pixel]
- #define grd_GRAFFITI 8 // 8-bit Graffiti-type Chunky layout (very special...)
- #define grd_TRUECOL32B 9
- // defines for grd_ColorSpace
- #define grd_Palette 0 // Mode uses a Color Look-Up Table (CLUT)
- #define grd_RGB 1 // Standard RGB color space
- #define grd_BGR 2 // high-endian RGB color space, BGR
- #define grd_RGBPC 3 // RGB with lowbyte and highbyte swapped
- #define grd_BGRPC 4 // BGR with lowbyte and highbyte swapped
- // End of GetRtgScreenData() enumeration ***
- // Information about the RtgScreenModeReq tags:
- //
- // Each tag specified for the RtgScreenModeReq() function limits in some
- // way the number of ScreenModes available to the user. Sometimes this
- // means a screenmode is completely ommited, and sometimes this means
- // certain screenmodes can only be used if the user selects them to
- // be wide enough. So for example, a ScreenMode which supports screens
- // of 300 to 400 pixels in width, could be filtered out completely by
- // setting smr_MinWidth to 401. But if the smr_MinWidth is set to for
- // example 320 then the user is allowed to select a width of 320-400
- // pixels (for this ScreenMode, and if the smr_MaxWidth allows this).
- // If smr_MinWidth is 200 pixels then the ScreenMode is the limiting
- // factor which means the user can't select ScreenModes smaller than
- // 300 pixels.
- //
- // The PlanarSupport and ChunkySupport tags determine which ScreenModes
- // are available to the user depending on their layout and number of
- // colors.
- // This structure is private and for the internal use of RtgMaster.library
- // and its sub-libraries ONLY. This structure will change in the future.
- OBJECT ScreenReq
- ScreenMode:PTR TO ScreenMode, // Ptr to ScreenMode structure
- Width:ULONG, // Must be within Tag specified limits
- Height:ULONG, // The width and height which the user selected
- Depth:UWORD, // Number of colors log2 which the user selected
- Overscan:UWORD, // 0 = No Overscan. See defines below.
- Flags:UBYTE // For the meaning of the bits see below
- OBJECT ScreenReqList
- SRNode:MinNode,
- req:PTR TO ScreenReq
- // Bits set in ScreenMode.Flags
- #define sq_EHB (1 << 0) // EHB selected (sq_Depth = 6)
- #define sq_CHUNKYMODE (1 << 1) // Chunky Mode selected
- #define sq_DEFAULTX (1 << 2) // Default Width selected
- #define sq_DEFAULTY (1 << 3) // Default Height selected
- // defines for Overscan
- #define sq_NOOVERSCAN 0
- #define sq_TEXTOVERSCAN 1 // User settable, should be entirely visible
- #define sq_STANDARDOVERSCAN 2 // Standard overscan (just past edges)
- #define sq_MAXOVERSCAN 3 // Maximum overscan (as much as possible)
- // This structure is private and for the internal use of RtgMaster.library
- // and its sub-libraries ONLY. This structure will change in the future.
- OBJECT RtgScreen
- LibBase:ULONG,
- LibVersion:UWORD,
- Pad1:UWORD,
- GraphicsBoard:ULONG,
- Reserved[20]:BYTE,
- MouseX:ULONG,
- MouseY:ULONG,
- c2pcode:PTR,
- c2pdata:PTR,
- c2pcurr:ULONG,
- c2pname[30]:BYTE